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来源:哔哩哔哩      时间:2023-07-07 08:47:05

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Suicide rates in girls are rising, study finds, especially in those age 10 to 14








Suicide rates for young girls are rising at a pace faster than that of boys, changing the established patterns that boys are more likely to die by suicide and that girls are more likely to consider it and attempt it, according to a new study.


established patterns


It's the return to the established pattern.


It followed an established pattern.



Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in in Columbus, Ohio analyzed suicide rates of US kids and teens ages 10 to 19 between 1975 and 2016 using the Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research database, run by the US Centers for Disease Control and that period, there were more than 85,000 suicides in kids and teens, with 80% in boys and 20% in girls. The rates of suicide peaked in 1993 and had been on the decline until 2007, when they again started to climb, according to the findings, published Friday in JAMA.



Although boys were times more likely than girls to kill themselves over the 40-year study period, the gap is rapidly narrowing. Starting in 2007, the rates of suicide for girls 10 to 14 increased % per year, compared with % for boys the same age. A similar trend was seen for teens 15 to 19, with rates of suicide going up % for girls and % for boys.



Boys 15 to 19 continued to take their own lives using firearms at far greater rates than girls, but the rates of hanging and suffocationin girls approached those of is the second leading cause of death in kids and teens ages 10 to 19 in the United States after accidents and unintentional injuries, according to the CDC. Rates of suicide have historically been higher in boys than in girls across all age groups.




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Girls turning to more lethal means is cause for “great concern,” explained lead author Donna Ruch, research scientist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, adding that girls continue to attempt suicide at higher rates and the shift toward morelethal methods could have dire consequences for the rates of completed suicide in this group.

女孩转向使用更加致命的方式自s是“非常令人担忧的”,全国儿童医院的研究科学家也是论文第一作者的Donna Ruch解释道,“女孩企图自s的比率在不断上升,而向更加致命方式的转变可能会对这个群体的完全自s率产生极坏的影响”。





The study was not designed to determine the reasons behind the troubling trends, explained Dr. Joan Luby, a child and adolescentpsychiatristat the Washington University School of Medicine, and Sarah Kertz, a clinical psychologist at Southern Illinois University, in a commentary published alongside the study in given the short period of time over which the rates of suicide have spiked for young girls, Luby and Kertz point to social media as a likely contributor.

华盛顿大学医学院儿童和青少年精神病学家Joan Luby博士和南伊利诺斯大学临床心理学家Sarah Kertz在JAMA论文旁边发表的一篇评论上说明道,这项研究用意不是为了找到这种糟糕趋势的原因。但是考虑到女孩自s率在短时间内飙升,Luby和Kertz指出社交媒体有可能是原因之一。





Girls may be more vulnerable to the negative effects of social media


“Compared with boys, girls use social media more frequently and are more likely to experience cyberbullying,” Luby and Kertz wrote. Girls who are depressed alsoelicitmore negative responses from their friends on social media than boys, they added. Combined, they say, these findings suggest that the negative effects of social media may be stronger on girls and may provide one explanation for why young girls are more vulnerable to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Yet social media may be just one piece of the puzzle.





Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response


Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience.



The role of societal rules and expectations


“We know that certain societal rules and expectations for women can be associated with higher rates of mental health issues and suicide rates,” said Dr. Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy, child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Long School of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio, who was not involved in the study. “Then you add a possible biological component – hormones – and a genetic predisposition.”

“我们知道一些对女性的社会规则和期望与较高的精神健康问题和自s率是相关的”,得克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心儿童和青少年精神病学家Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy教授说道,虽然没有参与这项研究,“然后,再加上一些可能的生物学原因,比如激素和遗传倾向”。





Another reason for the rise in depression and suicidal behaviors for both boys and girls may be more stress and pressure being placed on kids, said Dr. Gene Beresin, executive director of the Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, who also was not involved in the study.

哈弗医学院精神病学教授、马萨诸塞州总医院克莱青少年健康心理中心的执行董事Gene Beresin也没有参与这项研究,他表示,男孩和女孩抑郁和自s行为飙升的另一个原因可能是给孩子施加了太多压力。


“Kids are feeling more pressure to achieve, more pressure in school, and are more worried about making a living than in previous years,” he said. In isolation, none of these factors has been proven to lead to an increase in suicidal behaviors and ultimately suicide, but taken together, a pattern begins to emerge, Beresin said.

Beresin 说道:“比起几年前,现在的孩子实现目标的压力、在学校的压力和生存压力都更大”。孤立地来看,这些因素没有一个被证明会导致自s行为以及最终的自s,但是放在一起来看,这种就模式出现了。


Recognizing warning signs in children and teens


Mental illness – especially when it comes to depression and anxiety – can be silent or manifest in ways parents would not expect, Robles-Ramamurthy said. In addition to sadness, depression in kids and teens can manifest as anger and irritability. “It’s very normal for your child to start getting a little more moody anddefiant,” she said of the teenage years. “But if you start seeing drastic changes, their academic performance is declining, they’re not spending as much time with family or isolating themselves, those are big red flags.”





If those behaviors are present, Robles-Ramamurthy recommends asking teens clearly whether they feel depressed or have considered hurting themselves or ending their lives. Asking these questions directly does not increase the risk of suicide, she added.

如果存在这些行为,Robles-Ramamurthy 建议向青少年问清楚他们是否感到抑郁或者想要伤害自己或自s。她补充道,直接询问这些问题并不会增加自s的风险。



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